GroBoto v3 News & Notes
Inventive Tools for 3D Design • Modeling • Mesh Creation • Imaging • Exploration

Looking for the GroBoto Forum?
Unfortunately, our Forum was hacked — We are working to get it back online.

GroBoto, MeshFusion & The Future
Our new Plug-In for MODO® — What does it mean for GroBoto

A little over a year ago, our tiny, two man team entered a collaborative pursuit with some very good folks at Luxology (makers of MODO). We had discovered that GroBoto's core technologies could be adapted to work with SubDivision Surfaces — a major breakthrough. Given our struggles to survive with GroBoto (we never made any money) — and the opportunity to bring a GroBoto-like experience to a much wider audience — we had to seize that opportunity.

We had hoped we could keep GroBoto development going — at least on a back-burner — while pursuing this new project. Unfortunately circumstances, and the sheer demands of the MeshFusion work, made that impossible.

Still, success with MeshFusion is is our best chance for reviving GroBoto. That labor of love was always starved for resources — money, time, people. Without an infusion, it would have withered away — even if MeshFusion had not come along.

The future of GroBoto is uncertain. We are hoping for the good fortune that would bring it back to life. We greatly appreciate your patience and support. The next several months will likely tell the story.

We will let you know how it comes out.

Best Wishes,
The GroBoto Team

GroBoto Lives On (Important Please read PDF linked below)
We know we have been uncommunicative about the progress of GroBoto Development and updates regarding v4.
We apologize.
It's a long story This pdf tells that story, and offers some answers:

Open Letter to GroBoto Community - Read PDF Online

Development & Release Status
Mac OS X v3.3.0 Released
Windows OS v3.3.0 Released

GroBoto Mac OS X v3 - Trial & Release versions are available

GroBoto Windows OS v3 Trial & Release versions are available
Click on this Button to see your Purchase Options


New Pricing Structure:
(Extended to August 28 2013)

Get GroBoto v3 for as little as $40

We apologize for having documentation spread over a few different sources at the moment.

We are working to move all documentation to these pages, with an emphasis on Tutorial Videos.

The v3 Documentation Section is a good place to start. The first page will point you to the best learning resources — whether you are new to GroBoto, or have experience with version 2.
